Anti-sleaze victory
• I would like to thank everyone who helped to get the council to reject the plans to open an all-night, pole-dancing club at Archway Tavern.
This application produced outrage – I think I can say unprecedented outrage – in Archway. It was an absolute insult to the people who live there.
Such activities are degrading not only to the women who are, only too often, forced into such work, but also to the men who watch. I spoke to many women who felt that their safety would be compromised by the sort of men who would visit such a club.
Such activities (table-side dancing and pole dancing) are designed to excite sexual feelings, and one survey has shown that 25 per cent of men who visit such places are looking for sexual gratification (now there’s a surprise). So if they don’t get sexual gratification at a club, they may harass local women.
There was a certain amount of amusement at the licensing committee hearing when the applicant – responding to the question, “What kind of client do you think will go to the club” – said that he thought it would be a venue for businessmen, who would arrive by public transport and leave by taxi.
It was difficult to imagine the number 43 bus full of sober-suited and umbrella-carrying City gents proceeding up to Archway at 10pm, which is the time the sexual or sensual dancing (if anyone can tell the difference) would start.
I felt very strongly that the Licensing Act 2003, and subsequent guidelines, does allow local authorities to turn down applications that do not promote the act’s four objectives: the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm.
I argued from the beginning that it was possible to turn down this application, although the council’s own licensing policy needs to be stronger when it comes to protecting residential areas from this kind of “entertainment”.
The act also talks about supporting local business. Had the application been granted, local businesses would have been adversely affected because of increased fears by the public for their safety.
We all want Archway to be regenerated, but many people felt that strip clubs would in fact degenerate the area. Archway Tavern is an iconic building and I hope it will now concentrate on providing what local people want.
The applicants (two GPs who have a practice in Haringey but live in Park Lane, Mayfair) have been shown that Archway is not a place to dump sleazy activities. We must now all concentrate on improving the area.
Labour, Junction Ward
Tytherton Road, N19
• I am mentioned as one of those objecting to the application for a pole dancing licence in Archway (Hundreds join fight against lap dancing, November 23).
While the reporting of my views was right in substance, I did not as it happens use the precise words attributed to me as a quote. I don’t mind much, because the gist was right, but thought you might want to be aware that the report was slightly inaccurate.
Via email
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