Such a good read
• I WRITE to say what a splendid newspaper the Islington Tribune is.
I am a long-time resident of Twickenham and was handed a copy of your November 23 edition on the train by a lady who had finished reading it. There were so many interesting and well-written articles in it. Apart from the usual ones about the huge car problem (common to us in the borough of Richmond), an item that caught my attention was “Round two in heritage battle”. As a member of the London Welsh chapel community in my youth, I find it most heartening (and touching) that people are making a stand for the chapel at King’s Cross. My parents came from Wales in the 1930s and were part of the dairy trade in London, the backbone of the chapel, as I am sure you will be aware.
On returning home I handed the paper to my wife and she was surprised and highly delighted to read Rose Hacker’s column, which she most enjoyed.
May your paper continue to give such a high standard of service for many years to come.
(Address supplied)
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