Keep prams off buses
• FOURx4s should be banned on buses. I don’t mean motor vehicles, I mean those large prams and pushchairs.
They are a health and safety hazard. Many women using prams and pushchairs think that other passengers have no rights, that the bus is just for them and many only do short journeys which they could walk.
It defeats the object. The whole idea of having a good pram or pushchair is that it is easy to push around, not to take on the bus.
People in wheelchairs cannot get on and, for people like me who only travel by bus occasionally, it means we use it even less.
So I say: no more prams on buses. It would be good for people to walk.
And surely the council could set up a subsidised service to help workmen and women get their work tools from one place to another. Then you could get lots of vehicles off the road.
You cannot carry heavy tools on a bicycle, both for practical and safety reasons.
(Address supplied) N7
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