Cutting a corner
• WHILE we support the idea of improving Highbury Corner roundabout in principle, closing the north side would force lorries going from Holloway Road to St Paul’s Road to go the whole way round the roundabout.
We think congestion and pollution would be worse. Adding another lane of traffic on the south side could only worsen the situation for Canonbury School, residents and families.
The west side closure option would, we think, substantially improve life for bus users and cyclists and make a pleasanter environment for local people. We would support this option, if it weren’t for the proposal to cut off the end of Compton Terrace Gardens and cut down the ancient plane tree, to make a night-time rat-run for taxis.
Members of Upper Street Association set up a campaign group, put up a banner and asked for support. In the first three days we received 126 letters of support and more keep coming in.
Yesterday, the leader of the council listened. Councillor James Kempton wrote to Mayor of London Ken Livingstone asking him to take residents’ views into account and protect the tree.
Please, Mr Livingstone, listen so we can support your plans to make Highbury Corner better and close the west side.
Families of Highbury Corner Campaign Group
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