
Emily Thornberry |
Inquiry rules MP’s action was ‘unwise’
But press release did not breach code of conduct
AN inquiry into allegations that MP Emily Thornberry “doctored” an official Electoral Commission press release has ruled that her actions were “unwise”.
The Islington South and Finsbury MP was reported to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards shortly after she was elected in May 2005, after she added a quote to a press release encouraging people to register to vote.
The inquiry, which concluded this week, ruled that Ms Thornberry’s actions were “not to be condoned”, but said she had not breached the MPs’ code of conduct.
The report said: “There is no evidence of any intention on her part to deceive or manipulate the public, nor was that the effect of her actions.”
Ms Thornberry said: “There was no attempt to hoodwink anyone. The Electoral Commission was trying to get people to vote. I asked my assistant to put a quote in it. I’d only just been elected but I now know I should have put the quote on the cover letter to the email.”
Lib Dem prospective parliamentary candidate in South Islington and Finsbury, Bridget Fox, said Ms Thornberry’s actions showed “poor judgement”.
She added: “It’s a regrettable breach of trust and people should be able to expect better from their MP, whatever party they are from. We don’t expect MPs to go around doctoring official press releases.”
Ms Thornberry defended her spending on expenses this week after figures showed she had the seventh-highest postage bill among MPs.
Ms Thornberry, who spent nearly £20,000 on postage last year, said: “Since I was elected, 12,500 people have contacted me. One of the things people like about me is that I keep in touch with them. “After two-and-a-half years in office I sent out questionnaires to people who have been in touch with me, asking about the service I provide, how it can be improved and if I have been doing the right job. I may have the seventh-highest amount in postage but I’m also the fourth highest for use of paper because I write people long letters.”
A House of Commons envelope, including postage, costs 38p. Ms Thornberry averages about four letters for each query. This includes a response to the constituent, a letter to whichever agency is involved, a copy of its response and, depending on the outcome, at least one follow-up letter.
But Lib Dem councillor Lucy Watt said: “It’s incredible that she’s managed to spend so much – it’s nearly twice the income of someone on minimum wage in Finsbury. “By my calculations, she’d need to have been sending out 234 letters a day, 365 days a year for this to even add up.”
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