Hidden ID card costs
• I DEPLORE the conduct of the Labour group at the council meeting where I asked about the cost of implementing the ID card scheme (Anti-ID card councillor told to stick to the subject, October 5). They displayed contempt for a resident genuinely concerned to reveal how much of our council tax will be spent on this white elephant.
The stated position of the Home Office is that every local authority will have to find the costs from their existing budgets. With so many demands on very little money, we can’t afford to spend it tracking every contact by every person with every public authority, their movements (Oyster cards and the congestion charge scheme), their bank account activity, phone records and even the books they take out of the library.
It won’t defeat terrorism, reduce crime or stop illegal immigration but will create a new market for criminals to sell fake ID.
If the Labour group had listened to the answer given by Councillor Marisha Ray instead of shouting her down, they would have learned that the costs are being hidden from them by a government that demands secrecy for itself so they can steal our privacy.
Martin Fisher
Address supplied
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