Goldfish bowl life
• THE Tribune has now published two articles (October 12 and October 19) about the Barnsbury Square inquiry, both about the aesthetics but neither covered the issues which will affect those living closest to the proposed development.
If the development is built, immediate neighbours will either live in the dark or in a goldfish bowl, where their every move will be overlooked.
It appears the Tribune has succumbed to the PR machine of the developer and its agent, Hepher Dixon, and ignored the voice of the people. I’d urge you to be more balanced in your reporting of this matter.
Alice Huang
Barnsbury Square, N1
• I WOULD expect some opposition from Tories to building affordable housing on sites like 16 Barnsbury Square. However, I was surprised to read that the Labour councillors pushing for affordable housing on that site are being opposed by their “comrade” Lord Howie (Labour peer backs developer’s plans for exclusive square, October 12).
This is the first time I have heard of Lord Howie. I don’t know why he cares so deeply about this scheme, especially since he lives miles away in Hampstead Garden Suburb.
People in Islington need affordable housing, so I’m glad we’ve got councillors like James Murray standing up to developers to make sure we get it. Having said this, I was in one way grateful that Lord Howie intervened. He has reminded me how important it is that we abolish the House of Lords!
Harriet Ssentongo
Barnsbury Park, N1
• Do I understand the situation correctly? We have a millionaire developer (with a swimming pool in his penthouse) who has hired a multi-millionaire solicitor to slam Barnsbury Square residents – millionaires themselves – who object to the millionaire developer’s plans to build luxury flats for yet more millionaires?
They should take a short stroll to the other side of the Cally Road to see third-world conditions under which many in Islington live.
Bring on more affordable homes – not more luxury flats. Islington already has too many millionaires.
S Williams
Bemerton estate, N1
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