Let’s try bottom-up
• I DO like to read the articles by Rose Hacker, the world’s oldest columnist, particularly being myself (though relatively young compared to Rose) the oldest councillor in Islington.
I agree entirely with her recent sentiments (Gord god! Brown has all the power, September 28). The real problem with the Labour Party is the relentless centralisation of power in the hands of those at the top of the party.
I recently attended the Liberal Democrat conference in Brighton. The other party conferences seem to me to be nothing more than cheerleading rallies for their leaders. In contrast, the Lib Dem conference is primarily a venue for individual members from across the country to discuss and vote on what will become party policy. This follows online consultation and a debate in which all delegates are able to participate. The process is painstakingly democratic
The top-down, dictatorial approach is now also the way central government is run. In contrast, our bottom-up approach to politics, so unlike Labour’s top-down authoritarianism, makes the Lib Dems, in my opinion, a party really worth supporting.
Lib Dem, Mildmay
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