We have a right to know how handout was spent
• THE Tribune has reported that Islington Council had given several million pounds to Care UK, the company that runs its residential homes for older people (Care staff paid to take lower wages, October 5).
It’s not completely clear what all the money was intended for, or precisely how much was given. Indeed, one might be forgiven for thinking that Care UK and the council are rehearsing for the upcoming pantomime season.
“We gave you £3 million!” says the council to Care UK. “Oh no, you didn’t,” says Care UK. “It was only £1.5 million!” “Oh yes, we did!” “Oh no, you didn’t!”
And so on!
Councillor John Gilbert, lead member for social services, is clearly nonplussed when he says, according to the article: “Care UK could go and spend that money however they want. They gave a lump sum to the workers. I don’t know how they were using the rest. I don’t think anybody expected it all to go to the workers.”
Excuse me, John? Isn’t this public money and shouldn’t you as an elected councillor know how it is being spent?
And don’t I, as a council tax payer, have a right to know how my money is being spent? It’s simply not good enough for you to give away money without clear accountability.
If I thought that this was really how the council spent its money, I’d consider taking advantage and ask you to give me some!
Joking aside, if Cllr Gilbert doesn’t know what his own department is spending money on, then he should seriously consider whether he is a fit person to carry on with the job he is doing.
Caledonian Road, N1
• THE facts cited last week are, as far as the article goes, essentially correct. Although annual costs had already been set, a confidential minute of December 2005 – which has only been revealed as part of the recent internal inquiry – confirms that the council agreed to give Care UK an additional £3 million. And although the money was apparently given to buy out staff terms and conditions, Care UK says it only received half of this.
Not only is it the case that £1.5 million appears to have gone missing without trace, but, not reported in your article, is the fact that, whatever the sum of money the council actually gave to Care UK, it should have come not from council tax but from the council’s capital reserves.
To use these, the council should have sought the permission of the then Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott. But Councillor John Gilbert has admitted to trade unions that the council forgot to do this. And it is therefore local tax payers who are now bearing the burden of the council’s financial incompetence.
The council’s internal inquiry is a not very convincing whitewash that leaves several serious questions unanswered.
l Why did the council get the projected costs of the contract so wrong in the first place?
l Why is it so vague about what the £3 million was used for?
l Why was the permission of the Deputy Prime Minister not sought?
l And perhaps most seriously of all, how is it that leading Liberal Democrat councillors and some senior officers can behave so arrogantly, as if they have done nothing wrong at all?
Our union branch believes councillors and officers must be answerable. We believe the council’s director of adult social services, Gwen Ovshinsky, Cllr Gilbert and his predecessor as lead member for adult social services, Councillor Meral Ece, should respectively consider their positions.
All have been crucially involved in these issues, as has the present council leader, James Kempton. The latter’s attempts to portray himself as the leader of a new administration following the elections of May 2006 are somewhat disingenuous. He was the deputy leader of the previous administration and knows where the bodies are buried.
Our members have had their wages cut to minimum legal levels and yet this Lib Dem administration continues to plead that it is being progressive. Not only that, but its payment of £3 million to Care UK raises a suspicion of serious misadministration.
Accordingly, my union branch will now be referring this matter to the Audit Commission. This body has the power to investigate, determine the truth and recommend appropriate sanctions.
Islington Unison deputy secretary
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