A permit to curb choice
• RECENTLY, I received a letter from the council telling me that renewal of my parking permit was due. I was also informed that as “Listening to Islington” is a priority, it has improved the renewal process. All applications would henceforth be dealt with by post and the over-the-counter service had ceased.
Almost at the same time we have learned there is to be further industrial action by Royal Mail workers.
I have always renewed my parking permit at the counter as I do not wish to trust the post, whether mail workers are on strike or working normally. We all know mail can and does occasionally go astray.
How is it that the removal of the over-the-counter service is seen as an improvement? And which people have been clamouring for a postal-only system? You can still re-tax your car at any post office, or do it by post, so how is it that less choice is seen by Islington as an improvement?
If my new parking permit, which I applied for in plenty of time, becomes stuck in the post I can tell the council now they can whistle for any fines they issue.
Oakley Road, N1 |
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