Bin workers have good reason for walking out
• THE attitude of some people seems to be that workers can have the right to strike – as long as they never use it. For them, no strike is ever justified.
Workers do not go out on strike just on a whim; they know that, as soon as they do, their money drops like a stone.
So if they do stop work, it’s because of sound reasons.
In this case, it’s because they are being told to do more work with fewer people.
The four bin workers should be reinstated.
Brecknock Road
• I DON'T understand why my local councillor is in the newspapers on the side of the strikers. I would expect him to be on the side of the residents.
It was hard enough for residents, who were expecting to have a change to their rubbish day, then to have to contend with a strike as well.
I know the binmen do a really hard job, but I think they were manipulated to cause as much disruption to residents as possible, by the very person who should be looking after us.
I thought the unions had moved out of the pockets of the Labour Party but it seems not in Islington.
Noel Road, N1
• AS I walked the dog this morning, our roadsweeper called out to me, drawing my attention to the new litter bins in St Peter’s ward and commenting favourably on them: “So much better than the old ones.”
Add to that the fact that we now have our rubbish and recycling collected on the same day each week and even get collections on bank holidays.
We can credit Islington Council with improving the service enormously in the last few years. Well done!
Duncan Terrace, N1
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