So shortsighted to cut meals-on-wheels costs
• IT is desperately concerning to see Islington Council attempting to cut costs by once again targeting one of the most vulnerable groups in the borough (Meals on wheels are frozen out, September 21).
As anyone who has relied on the meals-on-wheels service (whether for themselves or for an elderly or housebound friend or relative) will know, the daily delivery of a hot meal means much more than simply the provision of food.
The delivery itself provides welcome human contact, as well as a check that the person receiving the meal is okay and has not, for example, had a fall.
Equally importantly, while an elderly person may be physically and mentally able to manage putting a meal in the microwave, meals-on-wheels are often relied upon in the first place because, left to their own devices, the person may not remember to defrost and cook a meal, or may lack the energy or desire to do so – a problem only exacerbated by loneliness and lack of visitors.
This can quickly lead to a vicious circle in which the person eats less and becomes frailer and less mentally alert. It is no exaggeration to say that, without a daily delivery of a hot meal, some elderly or disabled people will lose the ability to live independently and will end up in hospitals or care homes – in the latter case, often funded by the council.
Not only is this exercise in cost-cutting uncaring – it is also shortsighted.
We will be monitoring the impact of the new contract on recipients of meals-on-wheels in the borough and would like to hear from readers if they, or someone they know, has been affected by the changes.
Please contact us at mealsonwheels@
Islington Green Party
• I WAS appalled to read the article regarding meals on wheels. I’m an elderly woman who feels most fortunate to be able to cook for myself.
My niece, who lives in Beer, Devon, organised meals on wheels for many years until someone there came up with a suggestion similar to the one being considered in Islington and she sadly resigned.
It is amazing how low people will stoop to make an extra buck.
Golden Lane Estate, EC1
• DO Islington’s Labour councillors really have no scruples or shame?
First, they try to scare our elderly and vulnerable residents with stories about Islington’s Lib Dem council threatening the Freedom Passes, despite there not being a shred of evidence to support their accusations.
Now they are pretending the meals-at-home service is somehow under threat.
Are we going to deliver frozen meals to old people who do not have microwaves, as Councillor Joan Coupland insinuates? No, of course we’re not.
Are we going to replace hot meals for people who need them with “frozen pizzas, curries and Chinese food in a bag”, as was also claimed? No, we’re not going to do that either.
What we are going to do is to award the contract for meals at home to a new supplier which will offer greater choice of menus alongside traditional British food.
We will also deliver frozen meals to people who are able to reheat them in a microwave so they can eat at a time that suits them, not when the delivery service happens to turn up at their doorstep. However, if people cannot manage with microwaved meals, then we’ll carry on with the traditional meals-on-wheels service.
We’re giving people choice and letting them take control of their lives. Maybe that’s why Islington’s Labour councillors have such a problem with what the Lib Dems are doing.
Lib Dem executive member for health and adult social services
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