A nation at war
• HOW can Sheila Moberly believe that the Palestinians, who have suffered so much, would use their children as terrorists in an “illegal” war against the Israelis (Blame the terrorists, August 24)?
In 1948, the Palestinians lost 80 per cent of their country. In 1967, the Israelis took over the rest.
Repeatedly, the UN has said the takeover of the occupied territories is illegal. The Palestinians have every right to use whatever means are at their disposal to drive the Israelis out.
Had Israel settled down to being a Middle Eastern country at peace with its neighbours, it might have had some chance of survival.
Instead, it became a nasty, aggressive, militaristic little state constantly at war with those who live around it.
Israel will last as long as the US continues to underwrite it.
As China and India become the new superpowers, Americans will increasingly come to question the vast sums of money the US gives to a country which gives nothing to America.
If Ms Moberly and people who think like her refuse to recognise the inevitability of this, then the future of Israel is bleak.
City Road
• SHEILA Moberly’s letter about Palestinian children is an outstanding example of turning the facts upside down.
In almost every case, civilian deaths in Palestine are the result of Israeli military action.
Palestine has no armed forces and its people are thus defenceless.
Holloway Road, N7
• ON October 4, 2004, Iman al-Hams, a 13-year-old girl on her way to school, was repeatedly shot by the Israeli army until she was dead.
Although even the Israeli army acknowledge she was a civilian, according to Sheila Moberly’s circular logic the very fact that she was killed by them constitutes proof that she was in some way linked to terrorism.
Douglas Road, N1
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