
Maria Michael and Snoop, high-five, job well done |
Snoop: cleaning the streets, doggy style
Heroic bull terrier could receive bravery award
A STAFFORDSHIRE bull terrier has been hailed as a hero after stopping a Highbury knife fight and frightening off the attacker.
Last night (Thursday), Britain’s leading canine charity, The Dogs Trust, praised Snoop’s “heroic” actions. He could also qualify for an animal bravery award.
Snoop, who is nearly two, sensed danger when a row broke out in Higbury New Park a fortnight ago.
He was enjoying his tuna lunch and keeping his owner Maria Michael company at the time.
Ms Michael, 41, said: “We heard a lot of shouting outside and immediately Snoop’s ears pricked up. “A man in a car was apparently having some argument with this boy and there was a lot of shouting. We went to the door to have a look and I saw the glint of a knife blade.”
Snoop, whose favourite activities include dancing, jumping and giving his owner ‘high fives’, bolted out of the door and through some bushes to where the fight was taking place.
As the attacker was about to plunge the knife into his victim, the sturdy Staff sent the youth crashing to the ground.
Ms Michael, a mother-of-two, said: “The boy with the knife was clearly frightened of Snoop and ran off. “I think if Snoop
hadn’t been there to save him the fight could have been a lot worse.”
The attacker left before Ms Michael could challenge him and it is unclear whether the victim reported the incident to police.
Snoop is a familiar face on Spring Gardens and likes visiting the elderly and disabled, who enjoy his company and the soothing effect of stroking his thick fur. His friendly temprament means he is also very popular with children on the estate.
Ms Michael said: “It’s about bringing these breeds of dogs up in a positive way and showing them lots of love.”
A spokeswoman for The Dogs Trust, based in Wakley Street, Finsbury, said: “It is obvious that Snoop’s heroic dash helped to save this gentleman from what could have been a much more serious attack. “Snoop’s actions just go to show the trust and faith that dogs place in humans, they really are man’s best friend.”
Following Snoop’s display of derring-do, Ms Michael awarded her heroic hound with his favourite beef chew snack. |
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