Write off democracy
• ALTHOUGH I have just arrived in Canada on my annual holiday, I feel compelled to write to the Tribune about the possible closure of Islington Computer Skills Centre.
Over the past few weeks, fellow students at the centre have shown me letters, probably 30 in all, they have written to the borough librarian and councillors.
Their letters have asked various questions of councillors and the borough librarian and put a variety of proposals for keeping the centre open.
It would appear their letters have gone unread, as students have received the same stock replies from councillors and the borough librarian.
In a lot of cases, the letters sent to students do not make sense because their contents bear no relationship to what the students wrote.
What price democracy when councillors and the head of the department responsible for the centre cannot be bothered to communicate with the very people whose interests they are suppose to represent?
St John Street, EC1
• DOES Councillor Ruth Polling’s failure to respond to my letter (Wanted: cash for a unique centre, July 13) mean she is unable to answer the questions I put to her because the phrase “the council is looking at other ways of providing some computer training in partnership with other providers of similar services locally” is as meaningless to her as it is to me?
Or does Cllr Polling’s silence mean she realises the value of Islington Computer Skills Centre and that she is taking time to try to negotiate council funding to keep the centre open as it stands?
Amwell Street, EC1
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