A whiff of hypocrisy
• THE anti-smoking lobby assumes smokers like myself deliberately wish to inflict the practice on those around us. I don’t want anyone to breathe my tobacco smoke and I certainly don’t wish to impose on the rights of other individuals. I do want to be treated like an adult, however, and I do want the right to make my own decisions.
The original suggestion put forward to legislate for a contained number of smoking premises satisfied both sides of the argument. Obviously, this suggestion proved far too sensible for the current climate.
The argument that smoking premises would impinge on employees’ rights falls apart when you consider the inherent discrimination in the new legislation, which makes no provision for prison wardens, careworkers, hotel staff and council tradespeople.
It’s also worth pointing out that the tobacco trade is the biggest case of drug trafficking in human history and the traffickers are our governments themselves.
If I and my smoking fraternity are such a menace to society, I challenge the government to designate tobacco as a class C drug and have done with it.
But this will never happen. I know the reason why. And if the anti-smoking legislators look up the word hypocrisy in the dictionary, they’ll understand as well.
Tufnell Park Road, N7
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