Wanted: cash for a unique centre
• COUNCILLOR Ruth Polling has failed to touch on an issue I was hoping councillors Jyoti Vaja and James Kempton or the borough librarian would raise – that of the council funding Islington Computer Skills Centre at Finsbury Library if a grant is not available (We can’t afford to lose this asset, July 6).
Cllr Polling states that “the council is looking at other ways of providing some computer training in partnership with other providers of similar services locally”.
I fail to understand what this means. Would the council be part-funding such an enterprise? Would the plan be to deliver other training in addition to IT? Which tutors would be delivering the training? Would there be any consultation with local people? I would appreciate an explanation from Cllr Polling.
Cllr Polling says she knows it is “difficult” for students at the centre while they wait for news about its future. The students are mature of age and we have all, inevitably, encountered real difficulties in our lives. Possible closure of the centre does not present itself as a “difficulty”; we are eager that the centre remains open because of its excellence.
The high success rate of people passing even advanced IT examinations and the outcry over the possible closure of the centre demonstrate the high regard that students, past and present, have for the commitment, teaching and interpersonal skills of its two tutors.
After attending two IT courses at highly-regarded London colleges I still came to the centre computer illiterate and despairing of ever learning how to use a computer. I now have computer skills and an interest in computing which I would never have imagined possible a year ago. This experience is not unique to me.
I hope councillors will recognise that the centre is unique. Students there would welcome an opportunity to meet councillors to tell them why they think it would be worthwhile for the council to fund the centre. Perhaps councillors would like to visit the centre?
Amwell Street, EC1 |
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