Crime blitz for Angel shops
ISLINGTON Borough Police have set up a pioneering new business crime squad dedicated to combating high levels of shoplifting, mugging, vandalism, and retail fraud.
The new crime prevention initiative – the Angel Police Team – will help to make Angel town centre safer for all.
Seven police officers with full powers will be patrolling popular shopping streets 16 hours a day.
They will also be in vehicles, watching what goes on through Islington’s mobile CCTV unit and responding instantly to emergencies and incidents in shops and businesses.
Effective communication and rapid response will be reinforced by a special hotline between shops, cafés, offices and the Angel Police Team.
It is all part of a new Business Improvement District at the Angel.
Islington’s Superintendent of Operations Mark Terry said: “We know businesses are concerned about crime levels and this way the Angel wins with a dedicated, high-visibility team reassuring shoppers, visitors and residents, and stamping out crime, vandalism and anti-social behaviour. “The police win because it’s a pro-active getting-results squad who will arrest people doing wrong, cut crime, give out a no-tolerance message and increase our crime detection rate. “We will reduce the fear of crime, and win back people’s trust and confidence in the local police.”
Businesses at the Angel have also voted overwhelming in favour of setting up a Business Improvement District in the area. Out of 174 votes cast in the postal ballot, 132 voted yes.
The results were announced by Islington council leader Cllr James Kempton who welcomed the decision. “This area is one of the key engine rooms for Islington’s local economy and the council wants to ensure the area continues to thrive. “We will do all we can to help businesses do this. The council, police and local businesses will all be putting in extra cash to improve street cleaning, crime prevention and to deal with the effects that so many people visiting the area cause for the environment there.”
Christine Lovett, manager of Angel Town centre, said: “This yes vote will ensure a safer, cleaner and brighter Angel, which over the next five years will improve things for everyone – not just businesses. “
BIDs are a new form of local area management where local businesses choose and fund schemes and initiatives to improve their trading environment.
A new company is being established to run the BID for five years. It will be funded by a one per cent additional contribution from those businesses liable to pay the levy.
Angel BID, which will include representatives of local businesses, will start work by concentrating on issues already identified by local businesses as priorities, including retail crime and anti-social behaviour, and cleansing. |
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