Park changing for the better
• THE very positive changes to Radnor Street Gardens have been inspired by residents who want to make it a safer and more welcoming park in EC1 (Leave our park alone, June 29).
Consultation, dating back to 2003, highlighted residents’ concerns about the need to change and improve Radnor Street Gardens.
In February, workshops were held on estates and at youth clubs, where residents played an important role in helping to shape the park’s new look.
This was followed by a public exhibition in the park in April where there was overwhelmingly support for what is being proposed.
Radnor Street Gardens will be changing for the better with new play equipment, landscaping and facilities for all ages. I invite anyone who wants to know more about the park to take a look at the detailed proposals for the gardens at www.your EC1.com
Resident representative, EC1 New Deal for Communities board |
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