We can’t afford to lose this asset
• ON February 7 I attended a ceremony to mark the achievement of students who had passed computer skills courses at Islington Computer Skills Centre, based at Finsbury Library.
I have been to a number of awards ceremonies and found this one especially moving as the recipients were of both genders, of all ages, different races and from all walks of life. For some of the recipients this may have been the first public acknowledgement of their achievements.
I thought at the time: what an asset the computer skills centre is to the community in giving people the skills to understand and fully use computers which are so integral to modern life and to gaining employment in most fields.
I was most impressed with the fact that Islington Council had set up and supported such a useful service, one which reached out to so many different groups in the community.
Imagine then my shock when I discovered that this excellent service was going to be axed. While I realise the council has many competing demands for resources, nevertheless this is a successful enterprise which is reaching out to most sections of the community and is skills based, thus enabling people to gain employment.
Having met and been most impressed by two of the tutors, whose skill and drive are so central to the success of the centre, I am even more concerned that, if this resource is lost, it would be difficult to replicate its success at a later date.
Garthorne Road, SE23
• I WOULD like to protest against the closure of Islington Computer Skills Centre.
Before attending a course there, my daughter and I were completely computer illiterate and I could not even operate a mouse.
Thanks to the excellent, patient teaching of the wonderful staff, I passed the Computer Literacy and Information Technology level 2 word processing exam and my daughter learned many skills which helped her enormously in her sixth-form studies.
The centre provides a warm, friendly environment where people can learn at their own pace. It is a much-needed service and Islington Council should be funding a valuable asset to the borough.
Liverpool Road, N1
• FUNDING from FSST Ltd for the computer centre in St John’s Street runs out this month. This has never been a council service but the council has now agreed to fund the service until October, while we continue to look for alternative sources of funding.
The council is approaching EC1 New Deal, the Big Lottery Fund, City Fringe Partnership and the S4L Innovation Fund in the hope that this service can continue to be run.
However, the council is looking at other ways of providing the service, including providing some computer training in partnership with other providers of similar services locally.
I know it is difficult for current users while we wait for news but I am hopeful that an alternative funding partner will be found. I will keep people updated on our progress.
Lib Dem executive member for leisure and equalities |
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