Roll on a better Passage
• YET another unhelpful and ill-thought-out comment from our councillor, Martin Klute (Do we want another mall? June 1).
When did he last walk through Camden Passage? Has he never noticed that most of the shops only open for two days a week?
Some even refuse to offer a retail service and expel you in rude terms saying they are wholesale only.
A few minutes exploration on his internet, which he uses so selectively, will show how the antiques trade has been in decline since 9/11, that prices of property and retail sites in Islington are going up and that shopping is the thing to do.
The Tribune raises again the non-story of the Georgian Village, which was a hideous structure. Traders sheltered under it for just two days a week, blocked the pavement, parked illegally and sold some pretty tatty stuff.
We now have an open paved area to which some of the traders have indeed returned. In this case it doesn’t look like the new landlord is collecting any rent let alone more.
We should remember that, with its limited powers, the council has done its best for Camden Passage.
It opposed the conversion of Foxtons new office and fought hard in an appeal to the planning inspectorate to block it. Sadly, it was unsuccessful.
I look forward to more and better shops in Camden Passage that are open more often and for longer as well as selling a wider range of products.
Packington Street, N1 |
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