Shops don’t expect to be subsidised
• IT is entirely fallacious to say that businesses are being subsidised by Islington Council (Shop rents have been subsidised for years, May 18). In most cases, small businesses survive despite the influence of the council.
The current council rents in the Amwell Street area equal the rents paid to private landlords.
Most businesses in Upper Street are now estate agents and restaurants because they are the only businesses that can afford the rents. Diverse independent traders (supposedly trendy boutiques) are being priced out by rent levels and overheads that are insignificant to concerns like Tesco and conglomerate estate agents.
I have two local government ombudsman rulings against the council for delays and maladministration in relation to our leased property and official apologies from the council for the behaviour of its staff.
We have survived despite the council’s efforts, congestion charge and Islington’s draconian parking policy.
The council has allowed residential property in Amwell Street to lie empty when it could have been receiving rental income from it. The accommodation above my shop has been empty for more than 20 years and we have been trying to lease it from the council for 10 years. During this time it has been open to the elements and many of the period features have been destroyed
The council pays lip-service to policies and proposals for the support of small businesses. The reality is that we don’t ask for or expect any help from the council.
Amwell Street, EC1
• I WAS shocked to hear that the Green councillor in Highbury West refused to back Labour councillors’ attempt to stop the shops sell-off by voting down its main architect, Councillor Andrew Cornwell.
Her Highbury West ward colleague, Labour councillor Richard Greening, would have put a halt to the sell-off right away. But her abstention at the council meeting ensured the move was defeated 24 votes to 23.
To me, that says a lot about the Greens – warm words but, when it comes down to it, they don’t really stand up for residents.
(Address supplied) N4 |
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