Community centre in danger
• SHOULD it be allowed, the intention is to build houses and flats in a green area at St Joseph’s Church in Archway.
They say they need housing for elderly priests, but why not refurbish the lower floors, which are certainly large enough. They are going to demolish the parish centre without any consultation with parish members who use it. Don’t they have any rights as parishioners?
The council will be happy at the idea of affordable housing being built, but how many homes will be built and who will be able to afford them? This is a clear sop to the council.
What about the people who live in the area? More homes will mean more cars and more pollution
What about the school? Children will have less opportunity to enjoy fresh air and open space. Members of the community centre have formed a committee to fight this building project and the demolition of their centre. We must all act now. Tomorrow will be too late.
Despard Road, N19 |
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