Where power really lies
• LIB Dem councillor Barbara Smith defends the sky-high salaries paid to Islington’s executive councillors (Why we need a salary, May 4).
How marvellous, she says, that these councillors are “prepared to give up their jobs to run Islington full time”. Sadly, Barbara forgets that most of the executive have never commanded such high salaries in their ordinary working lives and coming onto the council represented a bumper wage hike. She also deludes herself that these “executive councillors” actually run the council. They don’t. A bevy of even higher-paid professional officers run the council – a fact that is embarrassingly obvious at any of the monthly public meetings of the executive.
Labour, Caledonian ward
• NO one should object to councillors receiving a reasonable allowance. But what residents won’t accept is an attitude of greed. Lib Dems give themselves the highest executive allowances in London. At a time when the public servants they employ are being asked to take a two per cent wage increase, the Lib Dems have awarded themselves 5.5 per cent.
Labour, Holloway ward
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