Now groups face rent rises
• NOT content with selling off more than 200 small shops and businesses, the council is now turning its attention to voluntary and community organisations.
Its proposal is to increase the rents of organisations in 60 council-owned premises to market prices. Of course, even the council realises voluntary groups will not be able to afford market rents, so it proposes to give grants to some lucky groups on the basis of stringent criteria.
These include whether the council thinks the group makes an “appropriate contribution” to Islington; whether the group has a “business plan” to reduce “dependency” on the council (a dependency only created by the rent rises); and whether the group is located (in the council’s view) in “the most suitable property for their needs”. If not, they may be asked to move out into a “managed office” hub – or, presumably, fail to qualify for a grant for their rent.
Council officers have insisted this is not a cost-cutting exercise. But the council’s own budget tells a different story. Under ‘Invest to Save’, the budget details an investment of £100,000 for “efficient management of council premises occupied by community and voluntary organisations”. “Invest to save” proposals are those where the council invests money to save more money – in council-speak, to “generate revenue savings and improve efficiency over the medium term”.
If the council is investing £100,000 in this project, it is plain it is planning to cut costs by significantly more than £100,000 – probably several times that amount.
That is money Islington’s vital voluntary sector, and our community, simply cannot afford to lose.
Islington Green Party
• IF the new Prior Western School, which had its topping-out ceremony yesterday (Thursday), is anything like the new North Community School it is going to provide fantastic facilities for children and teachers. But the truth is that money to fund these improvements doesn’t grow on trees. That is why we want to stop being a shop landlord in Islington. Without the vital funds this will provide we don’t have a hope of seeing state-of-art facilities for Ashmount School and many other schools.
Owning shops or building schools? I know where I stand. It is not a decision we take lightly, but it is one we all see as vital if we are going to continue investing in our children’s education.
Lib Dem leader, Islington Council
• I AM somewhat confused. Letters to the Tribune from Labour councillors and others regarding the sale of the freehold of commercial properties seem to contradict themselves.
We are told freeholds are being sold off at knock-down prices to property developers but at the same time these prices are said to be far too high for the current leaseholders. Are they too high or are they too low?
However, my question is: should the council be landlords offering subsidised rents to small shopkeepers and businesses or should market forces rule? If we agree with the former then we must be prepared to subsidise small shopkeepers through our council tax. If we don’t agree, then our streets and shopping centres will all start to look the same. Maybe we should hold a referendum on something that is really important.
Coach House Lane, N5 |
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