
Cllr Catherine West
‘Sidelines’ Olympic role under fire
A ROW broke out this week over claims that Islington is unprepared for the impact of the 2012 Olympic games in neighbouring east London.
The council’s opposition Labour group have accused the ruling Lib Dems of failing to draw up plans for the run-up to the games or to involve children in preparations.They point out that other boroughs are modernising leisure centres.
The Lib Dems maintain that they are running a full programme of sporting activities but not under the Olympic banner.
Labour group leader Councillor Catherine West said this week: “It seems our local leaders are happy if we just sit and watch from the sidelines and observe the multitude of benefits that our neighbouring boroughs are gaining from the event.” The main Olympic stadium in Newham will be just a short train journey from King’s Cross.
She points out that Haringey has issued children with £30,000 worth of free leisure access. Waltham Forest has a ‘kids swim for a quid’ scheme, and Bexley Council has focused on making its leisure centres fully accessible to disabled residents.
Lambeth has appointed an Olympic Champion, responsible for delivering a programme for its residents.
Cllr West added: “There is government money up for grabs for community projects that seek to engage people in the Olympic and Paralympic games. “Projects targeting people who typically do not exercise, such as people with disabilities or those struggling to afford ever-increasing leisure centre fees, will benefit in particular from such funds. “With a mass of reserves and contingency funds, the council has ample resources to financially back a comprehensive Olympics programme. “
Labour believes Islington should hold its own People’s Olympics, a programme which would focus on increasing sport participation on estates.
Cllr West added: “It would also be a useful diversionary tool for those estates blighted by anti-social behaviour.”
But Councillor George Allan, Lib Dem executive member for customer focus, said the council had launched a number of sporting programmes.
He added: “For example, we’ve got a lot of older people out rediscovering the joys of walking, dancing, swimming, bowls and many other activities. Many of these activities are set out in the widely circulated EverActive magazine. “This month, we’re starting a new phase of our successful Staying Alive initiative, with a wide range of activities centred first on the Bemerton estate, to encourage exercise and healthy eating, with work on more estates to follow. “So, Islington isn’t accepting any criticism for failing to organise glitzy, short-term events crudely badged with the Olympics. “Instead, we’re getting on with what really matters – the hard, long-term business of bringing the real benefits of exercise and healthy living to everyone in the borough.”