
Harry Walters |
Harry, 76, the have-a-go hero
A 76-YEAR-OLD historian has told how he battled to cling on to a burly young mugger who tried to rob a woman on a notorious bus route.
Harry Walters, from Holloway, was attacked as he travelled with his wife to his home in Camden Road on the 29 bus.
He said: “I was standing up and I felt someone touch my back pocket. “The next thing I saw him put his hand in a lady’s bag. “I grabbed him and I held on to him even though he was at least half my age. “But a crowd came through and pushed passed so he managed to slip away with them. “I would have thought that people would have got on their mobile phones but they did nothing.”
The great grandfather added: “He was a big guy and there were a few hot words between us but I’ve come to the stage now in my life that if I feel someone is getting in my space I have to have a go.” It is not the first time Mr Walters, a retired sales manager, or his wife, June, 78, have been targeted and he fears robbers think pensioners are a soft touch.
Now he is urging senior citizens to report any thefts that happen on buses.
Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, has promised to put more police on Islington’s problem bus routes such as the 29 and 43.
He told a meeting of pensioners at the Manor Gardens Age Concern centre yesterday (Thursday) that all the crime on buses was committed on only 10 per cent of the routes.