Why we refused to work holidays
• I HAVE been requested to write to the media on behalf of employees at Islington Cleansing Services Limited (ICSL), apologising for not working to the agreed Bank Holiday clear-up over Easter.
Management at ICSL agreed some time ago a change in the provision of services over bank holidays, yet this Easter that agreement was not as in previous years and resulted in the employees refusing the offer.
This work is not contractual, yet these employees give up their bank holidays so as to maintain the overall cleanliness of the borough.
The final straw was when a senior manager was over heard stating that he “will make bank holiday working compulsory”. When asked how, he replied: “By giving 90-day notice”, which means termination of employment from the original contracts, and then offering inferior contracts, which will include the bank holidays, most likely paid at less-enhanced rates.
Quite rightly, this kind of action will be met as hostile and resisted by all employees whose jobs are threatened. The workforce see no reason why this was mentioned part-way through negotiations on bank holiday working.
At a mass meeting on Thursday, employees decided that none of them would work the bank holidays, or the pick-up afterwards. ICSL recruited many agency staff to carry out our members’ work, which the workforce feels is a threat to jobs. A mass meeting is now to be arranged.
Agency staff at ICSL continue to be paid the minimum wage to carry out day-to-day services, even though there are many permanent vacancies.
This is a typical example of these working people being exploited by a contractor, to maximise its profits.
In addition, ICSL has failed to meet the 2004 pay award, which was to bring in the 1997 single status agreement, and in doing so remove the old-style, blue and white collar demarcation in terms and conditions, and treat everyone as members of staff on the same benefits.
Islington Council has completed this exercise, yet many contractors refuse to comply, including ICSL.
If ICSL continues to refuse then this could lead to industrial action at the firm and any other contractors who renege on past national pay agreements.
The employees wish to apologise to residents for any inconvenience caused, but I am sure they will appreciate it was not of their making. They will not tolerate any employer changing contracts by imposing termination notices.
GMB branch secretary, Islington 1 branch |