Dug up 375 times – the street like a battlefield
A STREET in Barnsbury has been dug up 375 times in the past five years – more than any other road in London.
For much of the time Copenhagen Street looks more like a battlefield as telecomms companies and all the utilities firms get to work.
The Town Hall says it is powerless to stop the constant digging but hopes that new laws soon to come into force will help their fight.
Presently, EDF electrical contractors are busy laying new cabling.
Fed-up residents say it will be a matter of a few weeks after they have finished until new workmen arrive and start again.
Barnsbury Labour councillor James Murray said: “The idea that it is in any way efficient to dig the road up so many times is bonkers.”
Councillor Lucy Watt, the Lib Dem environment chief, said: “Utility companies have been responsible for the vast majority of these works. “They have the legal right to dig up the road at any time. “We are as frustrated as everyone when companies are not co-ordinating their work as well as they could. “From next year new laws come into force that will help councils take control.”