Green excuse to curb our liberty
I CARE very much about our environment and just recently have offered my support to Green councillor Katie Dawson’s campaign against light pollution.
However, I really must protest at the way our council is proposing to waste millions of pounds of tax-payers’ money on measures to combat carbon emissions. > more |
Eye on the sparrow - PROFESSOR JL Cloudsley-Thompson is right about the decline in bird populations in Islington (Garden savagery, March 16). > more
Cinema memories - WHEN I was a child Mecca bingo hall in Essex Road was called the Carlton Cinema (Save our bingo hall, March 16). > more
School’s ‘good’ rating - PEOPLE who know Highbury Grove School well would not recognise it from the article in last week’s Tribune (School looks to... > more
Fiasco in making - IF, as Lib Dem councillor Lucy Watt claims, she and her colleagues “object strongly to any suggestion of decreasing the green space at... > more
I’m losing sleep over stadium - I LIVE in Battledean Road, overlooking Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium, so I was pleased to read the article about its utter... > more
Success - THANK God for the power of the press (Is this our worst pavement? March 16). The pavement in question is now perfect, but the one just around the... > more
After the money runs out - I WOULD like to reassure readers that EC1 New Deal for Communities (NDC) has been successful in delivering change to the... > more
Another year gone, more cards missing - ON my birthday last year most of my cards did not arrive. I gave Holloway Delivery Office details of when the cards were... > more
Not happy bunnies - I APPRECIATE the emphasis MP Emily Thornberry is placing on housing and her recognition that Priory Green residents are not... > more
How to spend rebate - RATHER than give the £20 discount for council tax payers to the council for “green purposes”, the money would be better spent on... > more |