Save our bingo hall
I DO not want to see our local bingo hall go.
I was contacted by residents as soon as they found out about the plans to close the bingo hall in Essex Road. I was there on Thursday night and know how much residents enjoy it.
I can understand that Mecca is worried about the effect of the Labour government’s smoking ban, but it is wrong to close before the law even comes into effect. Mecca has no way of knowing how the new act will affect business.
This sudden announcement has left residents without even the hope that the hall might stay open while it is being sold.
This robs them of a local facility without any good reason.
Many of the residents I spoke to were worried about what would happen to the building, and what will be there in its place. The good news is that, because the building has architectural significance and is listed, it will have to remain as it is.
Even if the building is sold, it cannot be turned into private flats. It is classed as a leisure and recreation building and that cannot change.
Whatever happens, the building must be used for the community. If this is not as a bingo hall, then it could be as a cinema, as it has been in the past, or a dance hall or sporting arena.
Mecca clearly wasn’t thinking about the community when it made this announcement. It has given too little time and inadequate reasoning for its untimely decision.
Lib Dem, St Mary’s ward |