Lights, action... and disruption
• WE had a film unit in our street, Alwyne Road, Canonbury, for four nights at the end of February.
The warning notices were up on the parking signs the previous week but little did the residents realise that this meant not only the inconvenience of not being able to park where we usually could (and had paid the council for), but articulated lorries reversing up and down the street, bleepers howling, high-wattage lights blaring into our windows till past 11pm, endless film personnel demanding we keep out of the way of the cameras and a total disruption of our lives.
Who pays? Not the council, which no doubt charges for allowing the chaos in one of its streets. Not the houses, which have been let out by their owners. Not the film unit, which gets the location it apparently desperately needs for its creation.
No, it’s the residents who have to put up with the inconvenience, noise, disruption and lack of sleep which the circus brings to town with no consultation, consideration or compensation.
Why is there no discussion about such intrusions into our lives? Could the council not ask residents for their views on proposed filming in their area or is the lure of money just too great for council and individual houseowners alike to take other views into account – the views of people who actually have to put up with their show with no choice about where or when?
Alwyne Road, N1 |