Home >> Reviews >> Features >> 2011 >> Oct >> Feature: Exhibition - Stephen Walter, The Island: London Series at Fenton House until October 30
Feature: Exhibition - Stephen Walter, The Island: London Series at Fenton House until October 30
Published: 6 October, 2011
THEY are grand statements of the bustle of a city, with detailed surprises that come alive when you look closer.
Drawn by Stephan Walter, these highly detailed and humorous takes on our city are presented in a new show at Hampstead Fenton House this week.
Walter’s detailed drawings of London from the air could only have come from his lively imagination, though he also draws on a rich tradition– his work is like a 16th-century version of Google Maps. But he cites the Georgian map of London, known as the Greenwood Map, as an influence. Walters explains:
“I choose the size and then I go start at the top left and work my way down to the bottom right, filling in basic geographic details such as buildings.”
His research includes finding out small details of areas that can be added – and walking the streets to give himself an overview of the place he wants to represent.
• Stephen Walter, The Island: London Series runs at Fenton House until October 30. Entrance is £6.50 (adult), £3 (child). The exhibition is organised by TAG Fine Arts.
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