Views of residents sought - Hawley Wharf Action Group plan to raise awareness of multi-million pound development

Members of the Hawley Wharf Action Group

THE views of thousands of households in Camden Town will be sought by volunteers who fear that a development due to change the face of the area forever is not widely known about.

Camden Market Holdings are on the verge of asking the Town Hall for permission to build a multi-million-pound, four-storey market area by Camden Lock, including 220 homes, small high street shops, industrial workshops and public spaces.

Pressure group the Hawley Wharf Action Group are now planning to knock on the doors of every home in the area to make sure people know of the plans. 

Organiser Cathy Pound said the survey would act as a blank sheet of paper for residents and businesses to make sure their views were clearly heard.

She said: “We are worried that people do not really know what is actually being proposed and what the developers are trying to do.”

Developer representative Mark Alper said: “We already have a lot of information from consultations and we have responded to the comments we have received.”

The Hawley Wharf Action Group is holding a meeting on Tuesday, July 19 at 7pm at the Castle Road Tenants Association Hall to organise the survey and is looking for people to help.
The group can be contacted by emailing or on 020 7209 0197.

Published: 14 July 2011



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