Sol Invictus deny racism claims at Slimelight gig

A ROCK band who sparked angry protests outside an Islington nightclub have denied any links to fascist or racist organisations.

A demonstration took place outside the Slimelight venue in Torrens Street, Angel, before a recent performance by Sol Invictus, whose lead singer, Tony Wakeford, is a former member of the BNP. Mr Wakeford read out a statement on stage before the band began their June 25 set.

He said: “Sol Invictus would like to publicly state that as a band and as individuals we are not interested in working with anyone who seeks to promote the glorification or rehabilitation of any of the murderous totalitarian ideologies which blighted the 20th century.

“All members of Sol Invictus are personally, completely and unequivocally opposed to fascism, racism, anti-semitism and homophobia, and as a band we have absolutely no wish to promote these or any ideologies rooted in intolerance or hatred. 

“We do not believe in witch-hunts, public denunciations, censorship and campaigns of deliberate misinformation, so will not be employing the methods so beloved by our opponents.”

Mr Wakeford claims he was a BNP member for a short time more than 20 years ago and has described it as “the worst decision of my life and one I very much regret”.

Published: 8th July, 2011


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