Parties differ over who offers strongest polls challenge to Labour in St Peter's ward

Labour’s Alice Perry and Lib Dem David Sant

It’s a two-horse race... but which two will fight it out?

A VETERINARIAN, a lawyer, a school governor and two housing campaigners have entered the race to become a councillor in Islington.

While the candidates have only just been announced, the political battle has already ­started.

The Lib Dems believe they are in pole position to take the St Peter’s ward seat off Labour on August 11. The by-election was triggered by the sudden resignation of Labour councillor Shelley Coupland over allegations of benefits irregularities.

Lib Dems came second last time round – by 1,700 votes – and party leader Councillor Terry Stacy believes it’s a straight fight between his candidate and Labour.

The Lib Dem choice, David Sant, a lawyer who lives in Rotherfield Street, is the only local candidate, Cllr Stacy said. 

“Unlike other candidates, David is not a ­carpet-bagger and only wants to represent his neighbours on the ­council,” he added.

Labour’s candidate disagrees, however. 

Alice Perry, an Arsenal season ticket holder and governor at St Andrew’s School, in Barnsbury, believes the contest is a straight fight between Labour and the Tories, who came third in 2010. 

The Tories announced their candidate, Richard Bunting, an IT consultant, last week.

Ms Perry, vice-chair of Labour’s Islington South and Finsbury branch, said she would be a “strong voice for fairness”, adding: “I am proud to have grown up in and gone to school in Islington and will be honoured to be elected to the council.” Green Party candidate Caroline Allen, a vet at Canonbury Veterinary Practice in Essex Road, is championing “a greener, fairer Islington”.

Dr Brian Potter, who is standing as an independent candidate, said: “My ticket is to close down Homes for Islington and bring back all council property under direct control of Islington Council and our elected councillors.”

Fellow housing campaigner Martin Rutherford, secretary of Popham estate tenants’ and residents’ association, is also standing as an independent.

Published: 15th July, 2011


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