Countess of Wessex praises ‘planting in the playground’ at Tufnell Park Primary School

The Countess meets pupils

Published: 1st July, 2011

SOPHIE, Countess of Wessex visited children at Tufnell Park Primary School on Wednesday to admire the school’s thriving gardens.

She was visiting in her role as patron of the London Children’s Flower Society (LCFS).  

Tufnell Park School has participated in the society’s “Planting in the Playground” project and last year was awarded the First Time Cup. The judges were delighted by the children’s wildlife garden, flower beds and vegetable growing.

The LCFS provided Tufnell Park School with a large wooden planter and compost plus plants, seeds and funds to buy gardening tools to set up their vegetable plot.

After being given a guided tour of the school garden, the countess was then treated to a gymnastic display and songs from the whole school.

Headteacher at Tufnell Park Primary School, Alan Baldwin, said: “The children were thrilled to have the opportunity to meet the countess, and to be able to show her their hard work in the gardens, their sculpture and their murals.”


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