Charlie George and Nigel Winterburn open Fitness First in the old East Stand

Charlie George and Nigel Winterburn

ARSENAL legends Charlie George and Nigel Winterburn shared memories of their playing days at Highbury Stadium as they returned to open a new gym.

Mr George, 60, and Mr Winterburn, 48, who between them made more than 500 appearances for the Gunners, launched the Fitness First in the old East Stand in Avenell Road.

Mr George told the Tribune: “Young people can come here and think, the dressing rooms used to be here, they can imagine what the atmosphere used to be like.”

Highbury stadium was closed and demolished on May 7 2006 to make way for the Emirates Stadium. 

The East and West Stand remain because they are listed but the pitch, Clock End and North Bank were turned into flats and residents there can take advantage of the new gym.

Published: 8th July, 2011


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