Outgoing council leader Keith Moffitt's letter to Camden New Journal

Monday May 10, 2010

Outgoing council leader Keith Moffitt has sent a letter to local newspapers, describing his 'fierce pride' at the work he achieved at the top of the Town Hall. Here is the full text of his message.

"It has been a great privilege as a Liberal Democrat to serve as Leader of Camden Council during the last four years, and I would like to thank those who have served beside me on Camden’s Executive, Camden’s officers and Camden’s partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors for their hard work and support over this period, during which Camden has twice been independently rated as one of the top-performing councils in the country.

During that period our achievements have included freezing Camden’s council tax for three years out of four, establishing a £6m recovery fund to help Camden through the recession, making Camden a countrywide leader on sustainability and introducing area forums to involve local people in decisions affecting their lives. We have abolished car clamping, rebuilt the Kentish Town baths, laid plans for the building of a new secondary school and rebuilding older people’s care homes, and have brought thousands of council homes up to the decent homes standard.

These are only some of the many achievements that I am fiercely proud of.  The next few years will undoubtedly be a difficult time for local government. I hope that Camden's new administration will justify the trust that the voters have put in them, by delivering on their manifesto promises, being accessible and hard working ward councillors and governing in the interests of all of Camden's residents, businesses and visitors.

Camden is a fantastic place to live and work, and its residents have high expectations. I wish the new administration well in meeting them."






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