MP Jeremy Corbyn backs anti-war candidate to lead party

Published: 28 May 2010

RE-ELECTED Islington North Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn is supporting MP John McDonnell in the party leadership contest, with Hackney MP Diane Abbott a close second, writes Peter Gruner.

Mr Corbyn said: “We’d like to get John elected but I’m not optimistic about the numbers. 

“He has consistently opposed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and always supported campaigns over civil liberties.

“John also has very good connections with the unions and is concerned with working people’s conditions.”

Mr Corbyn said that Ms Abbott was a strong second candidate. 

“I’ve known her a very long time,” he said. “She has a brilliant and sparky personality and really connects with people in a good way. She doesn’t always come at things in a predictable way.”


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