Hampstead Heath bosses urge schools to stop pupils littering - park rangers spending 'hours' clearing up mess

Schools are urged to act

Published: 20 May, 2010

HAMPSTEAD Heath bosses have called on schools to get their pupils in line because rangers are spending hours each day clearing up mess left during lunch breaks.
Michael Wellbank, chairman of the City of London Heath management committee, says he is embroiled in an ongoing battle with schools to persuade them to take the problem of litter dropped by students more seriously – and that around eight large sacks are being collected each day from one popular field near Highgate Road.

“The schools seem not to want to do anything about this,” said Mr Wellbank. “The mess left is terrible each day and our staff have to care­fully clear it up.
“I find it particularly galling that pupils will sit in their classrooms and complain about the state of the planet but don’t seem to understand that dropping litter during their lunch break is completely unacceptable.”

The problem is greater during the summer months when one field near the Parliament Hill tennis courts becomes a meeting place for pupils from William Ellis, Parliament Hill, La Sainte Union and Acland Burghley students, many of whom who are sixth-formers at the La Swap college.
And to add further insult, Heath managers say they have had to close public toilets during lunch breaks following a spate of vandalism.
William Ellis headteacher Robbie Cathcart said he had spoken to Heath managers about the toilet vandalism issue and had been told it does not involve his pupils, who are recognisable in their blue and black blazers.

But Mr Cathcart insis­ted the school are striving to improve the behaviour of students during lunch breaks.
“We have been speaking about this and we want our pupils to know they are responsible for that area,” he said.
Mr Cathcart said that two younger year groups were due to spend the day on the Heath at the beginning of June in a dedicated litter-pick to ensure they had a greater understanding of why dropping litter is not acceptable.
He said: “I like the idea of having a team of junior Heath rangers, made up of William Ellis boys.”


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