Blooming great! New Barnsbury Square garden flowers tea party

Published: 02 July, 2010

FRIENDS of Barnsbury Square celebrated their revamped gardens at a summer tea party on Saturday. Endless cups of tea and cakes were served, including Laura Hatfield’s “death by chocolate cake”, and children were trans­formed into lions and butterflies by a talented teenage face-painter. Tamara Lo, chairwoman of Friends of Barnsbury Square, said: “It was fantastic. Everyone said it was a great day. All the cakes were eaten, loads of cups of tea and ice-cold drinks. And 14-year-old Isabel did the face-painting.”

The party was to mark the overhaul of the gardens’ flowerbeds by the Friends group, which was funded by £5,000 in grants from the Cripplegate Foundation and Islington Council.

Ms Lo added: “We put in a lot of work re-doing some very shady flowerbeds. We deci­ded to celebrate the fact that this was done. The weather was perfect, people enjoyed sitting on the grass and Mayor of Islington Mouna Hamitouche came down.”


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