Save our Whittington: Actor Rupert Graves signs petition

Rupert Graves


THE actor Rupert Graves has signed a petition calling for the Whittington Hospital's accident and emergency to be protected.

The petition was set up by an all party coalition of residents last week and will be delivered to the Department of Health.

The actor was away filming for a forthcoming BBC adaptation of Sherlock Holmes, but his wife Susie said: “Rupert took our two year old to the accident and emergency quite recently. We were told by Camidoc and NHS direct to go there immediately. He went to the main A&E and got seen almost straight away. It took about ten minutes.”

She added: “It is our local hospital and one that serves the whole community. We both feel very strongly that it must be saved.”

The closure threat has been made public after a series of emails between NHS bosses and the Whittington were leaked to the Camden New Journal and the Islington Tribune  in November.

Hospitals in north and central London are facing cuts of around 900 million over the next five years. NHS bosses believe many of the treatments provided in the Whittington A&E could be provided in doctors surgeries.

Campaigners will march through Camden and Islington in protest against the proposals on February 23.






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