High hopes! Towers get go-ahead - Final part of £600m Paddington redevelopment approved

An artist’s impression of how the new Paddington Central towers will look

THE final part of the £600million redevelopment of Paddington, one of the largest urban projects in Europe, was given the go-ahead after the remaining office buildings were given ­planning permission.
The Paddington Central area looks set to be finished with two new towers in Kingdom Street around Sheldon Square.
A new garden square featuring fountains, trees and seating will be created between the two buildings.
Councillor Alastair Moss, chairman of ­Westminster Council’s planning and city ­development committee, said: “Westminster is eager to see these plans brought to fruition as they will bring huge social and financial ­benefits to the community in Paddington and should cement its standing as an attractive ­residential and office location.
“We are keen to see this project completed because redeveloping the site will not only play an important part in the regeneration of Paddington but will also create more private and affordable housing and stimulate local jobs and businesses which will help transform Paddington into a thriving residential and ­commercial centre.”


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