‘Ban these dangerous Passage cyclists’

Cllr Martin Klute: ‘It’s a footpath not a roadway’

A RASH of new signs asking cyclists to take care when riding through Camden Passage in Islington has riled pedestrians.

St Peter’s ward Labour councillor Martin Klute has received complaints from people who believe the signs are encouraging cyclists to use Camden Passage.

The small signs feature a picture of a bicycle and two people, with the words “Pedestrian Priority. Please allow consideration to other path users.”

Cllr Klute, a cyclist, said: “The suggestion is lunatic. The sign not only suggests it’s all right for people to cycle up Camden Passage but encourages people to think of doing so.

“It’s a footpath not a roadway. Surely there should be a sign saying you should be fined for it. It’s incredibly dangerous. The public right-of-way here is only 4ft wide in some places. 

“The council doesn’t know what it’s doing, wasting money putting up a sign like that when they should be saying it’s prohibited.”

But, according to Town Hall officials, Camden Passage is a footpath as opposed to a footway, where there is a blanket ban on cycling. In the absence of byelaws or traffic regulation orders, cyclists can use Camden Passage.

An Islington Council spokesman said: “The signs were put up because of concerns from businesses and residents about conflict between cyclists and pedestrians in Camden Passage.

“There are in fact no statutory powers to prevent cycling in Camden Passage. Of course, we want to keep pedestrians safe. The signs clearly explain they have priority, and cyclists should respect that. 

“We hope this will help the situation. The signs have been installed as a trial. We will monitor the situation and take further steps if necessary.” 


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