Top cop: 24-hour neighbourhood patrols are too expensive to run

Monday February 22, 2010


ONE of Camden's most senior officers has warned that a 24 hour presence on the streets from its flagship Safer Neighbourhood teams would be too expensive to become a reality.

Superintendent Raj Kohli has told councillors: "The debate around 24/7 policing can be had but fiscally cannot happen."

His comments are due to be discussed at the Town Hall tonight.

"To provide six officers to be available 24/7 would require around 500 percent increase in resources. The question is how reassured can someone be by a patrolling officer being out at 2am when that someone is likely to be asleep," said Supt Kohli in a letter to a panel of backbenchers. "The model does not lend itself easily to a 7 day coverage without significant increase in resources."



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