‘Tough choices’ debate open to the public

Published: 3 December, 2010

THE public has been given a final chance to convince Islington’s Fairness Commission which crucial services should be spared from the full force of government spending cuts.

The commission, tasked with bridging the gap between rich and poor, is meeting in the House on the Rock church in Tufnell Park Road on Tuesday.

The “Fair Budgets – Tough Choices” debate will focus on whether Islington's children’s services or neighbourhood policing are hit as badly as other departments. Officials are bracing themselves for an 8 per cent cut across the board but some departments will be asked to shield the poor with a “targeted approach”.

The commission, a panel of 15 representatives, will unveil their interim report and discuss whether to fund prevention and treatment in the NHS and whether volunteers can be asked to run more public services.

Findings from the meeting will inform the council’s corporate plan and annual budget-setting, according to commission co-chairman Councillor Andy Hull. 

He said: “Central government’s public spending cuts will hit Islington hard. Nevertheless we are determined to make sure that the impact here is as fair as possible and that our most vulnerable and disadvantaged residents are not the hardest hit. We want to make Islington a fairer place for all and I’d invite everyone to come along to our meeting, take part and join the debate.”

The meeting starts at 7.30pm. 


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