Preserve oil

Published: 29 September, 2011

• I WOULD like to thank Transition Belsize for all their hard work with the “pop up farm” on Haverstock Hill on Saturday.

I took my son and only intended to stay for an hour but we were there all afternoon.
I learnt a lot about bees and the pecking order of chickens.

I completely support Transition Belsize for their efforts to reduce our dependence on plastic packaging.

Oil is such a precious commodity; we should be preserving it for engines and not for packing food when the wrapping often ends up in a landfill site.

I am doing everything possible to reduce my packaging including having milk delivered in reusable bottles from the milkman Renewable energy is still in its infancy but the more we do today to preserve oil stocks, the longer they will last.

CLLR JONNY BUCKNELL Conservative, Belsize ward


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