Two people sit in camera car all day... what a waste

Published: 13 May, 2011

• WEEK after week, month after month, Islington Council’s spy-camera car sits in Market Street, Islington, while inside two members of staff idle away the hours.

They park on double yellow lines and block the cycle path,  impervious to all outside interference. No one knows what they are supposed to be doing – though hopefully they have an idea. 

There are no bans on left or right turns at Caledonian Road and if it is about a few vehicles jumping the lights – fairly rare – then a static camera could easily tackle that minor task, as happens all over the borough.

It is this kind of waste that I had hoped Labour would halt but it has allowed this ridiculous Lib Dem practice  to continue.  

What on earth are these two people in the camera car doing all day? What does it cost and what have they achieved?

Maybe it will require using the Freedom of Information Act to find out.

Malvern Terrace, N1 


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