It's too late to pollard trees – stop it if you can

Published: 26th May, 2011

• SO-CALLED tree surgeons proceeded brutally to pollard the London plane trees in Doric Way, NW1. 

I had been observing crows building their nest over the past month in one of the trees. Phone calls to the RSPB, a police wildlife protection officer and Camden’s tree department put a stop to the untimely cutting of the branches and crowns.

I invite Camden Council to explain the wisdom of pollarding trees in mid-May. 

Birds are nesting, the trees are in full leaf and extremely vulnerable when pollarded to fungi which can easily kill a tree. If needed, trees can only be pollarded during late winter or very early spring. Traffic wardens put up parking restriction notices tonight warning of further pollarding on May 31. I will do my utmost to prevent this from happening. 

If this happens in your area I ask you to protest as loud as you can to stop this foolish practice.
H DE Winter
Doric Way, NW1


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